If your computer has been giving you problems and you are wondering if you can fix it yourself, the answer is a definite maybe. What that means is that before you unplug everything and cart your computer to the computer repair shop, there are some things you can try on your own to see if you can provide a quick and easy fix.
First things first. You should install and run a decent antivirus program.
Second, if your computer is running slower than normal or freezing up from time to time, those things could be a sign of bigger problems on the horizon. So, make certain you backup all your important files on an external drive, on the cloud or another suitable storage solution.
If you keep your computer on 24/7, consider giving it a rest. Shut down every so often to give your system a chance to reset and clear.
When you run into issues like a blank screen, check all power sources. Then power down, unplug and wait 30 seconds to reboot. Often that will help.
Inspect your CPU. If it is hot to the touch, it could be overheating. Keep it well-ventilated and free of dust.
Make sure you have enough memory for your programs and all the things you do and make certain that diagnostic checks are performed regularly.
Also check that your drivers are correct and up to date. You can display them by clicking start, then device manager and then clicking to the left of each device.
If you think you know which files are giving you trouble, you can also uninstall them.
However, if you are in need of professional computer assistance, the computer repair experts at Computer “A” Services are here to help and we offer in-office, on-site and remote repair options for your convenience! We can also help with storage solutions and virus protection.