Common Computer Myths Debunked

You know that Journey song “Don’t Stop Believing”? I know, I’m showing my age, but when it comes to the following computer myths, you actually do need to stop believing…

Anti-virus software is not always needed. Don’t believe it! Your computer is at risk even if you don’t do much browsing; and you’ve most likely heard the theories that Macs are immune. They’re not.

A virus is probably making your computer slow. Probably not. While computer viruses can slow your computer down, many times they don’t and the more likely culprit could be that you need to free up some disk space or upgrade your aging computer.

You should always turn off your computer instead of using sleep mode. Sleep mode shuts down everything except RAM, so you can save power, quickly boot-up and allow for updates during off hours. While you SHOULD completely shut down your computer from time to time to clear everything out and get a nice, fresh start, sleep mode is an excellent way to reduce wear on your computer components and save you time.

When you delete data, your data is deleted. Well, sort of. The answer is a good news/bad news scenario, depending on your perspective. While deleted data will not be visible, it may not be eliminated. It may still be stored and recoverable until it is overwritten.

Macs are better than PCs. Not necessarily. It depends on your needs.

Macs are overpriced. Not necessarily. It depends on your needs.

Don’t be fooled by common computer misconceptions. Any questions, concerns or computer repair needs or upgrades of any kind may always be directed toward the computer experts at Computer “A” Services. We’re at your service!