Remember when your mom would say, “How many times do I have to tell you?” Well, (no offense, but)
that is sort of the case here. Microsoft committed to ten years of product support when it launched
Windows 7, and that was way back in October of 2009. So…
For everyone who has not upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10, technical assistance, new
features and software updates from Windows Update to protect your PC…are all great benefits that will
cease to be available to you after January 14, 2020. Plus, since Internet Explorer serves as a component
of the system on which it is installed, support for Internet Explorer will also stop at that time.
The best course of action for anyone currently operating with Windows 7 is to convert to Windows 10
before time is up. If not, peace out! You could very well find yourself in a dire situation where you need
service or support and it will no longer be available to you.
Just so you know, not all computers will easily adjust to this upgrade. If your computer is just a few years
old, you should have no trouble, but if you are one of those people who still wear his socks from 1982,
some amount of trepidation may be in order. For operational ease and compatibility, it is recommended
that all of those people who haven’t upgraded their computers in a VERY long time upgrade to a new,
faster, more powerful device before switching to Windows 10.
If you have questions or for help affordably upgrading your computer or system, contact New Smyrna
Beach’s most reliable source for computer sales and service – Computer “A” Services.